Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Pyrex

What's meant to break will break.
What's meant to stay will stay. 
I am going to name this accident The Pyrex.

It was a Friday morning in Tulung Agung. A day before I went back to Holland. My pretty cousin stayed over. We watched Jokowi, the Movie, and stayed up late the night before. It happened when we were preparing breakfast.

Mom was in a hurry. She was going to the bank when she instructed us how to heat the soup and not break the Pyrex bowl -for she broke quite a few herself-. While she was blurting out the instruction from her experience, I thought to myself, "why am I being lectured for doing something as simple as this?". Anyway, I followed all her instruction, including not using the metal spoon for stirring.

But we did not know one other factor that would cause the Pyrex to break. Overheating. I turned the gas higher and after a few seconds. Bam. It broke into two. And we ended up having soto without the soup for breakfast.

Mom tried so hard to keep what is valuable to her. But sometimes it does not matter how hard we try to make it right, things will still go wrong. We can't never know everything and every reason why things happen the way they are.

In the absence of rationality. Only God makes sense.

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