Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Switch

God has come to restore broken relationships between
A father and his son,
A mother and her daughter,
A brother and his sister,
A husband and his wife,
A friend and her old friend,
A pastor and his assembly,
A boss and her employee, and
You and yourself. 
It does not matter how bad it looks right now or how hopeless you think it is, God is able to fix it. Do not wait 'til the other party make the first move, release your forgiveness first, bless them first, talk to them first, call them first, whatsapp/bbm them first, and tell them you love them first. And in case you are not in a good term with yourself, cut some slack, treat yourself better, feel good about yourself, and let it (the disappointment) go. 

I do not understand why I write this post out of the blue, but I do believe that there is power in restored relationships. When God has made the broken relationships new, we will be living proves of His work and His love. And we will freely shout that "True love exists. In Christ alone."


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